November 2, 2011

My Big Project

Since September I have been working on a pretty serious project!  Driven mainly by my lack of maternity wear and not being able to find a pattern I liked on Ravelry, I decided to design my own sweater!  I've done modifications to baby sweaters and hats before, but I feel like this is my first real try with such a big project.

I think I'm going to call it the 'Mama Au Lait' sweater.  It's the scrumptious color of a 'coffee with milk', which is pretty much all my hubby and I drink.  Also, my plan is for it to be a perfect draping cover while nursing this winter after my baby is born.  My sense of humor isn't the greatest, but I do enjoy playing with words!

Here is the sweater so far...  The sides hang for 26 inches, with an increase to wrap around longer in the back.  I'm on the decrease now (Yay!  Feels like a small victory!) and just need to finish the left side and then add sleeves.  There is a cable at the bottom and a cable pattern that travels along the top too.  I love the way it will look around the neck.  

You can see the increase below... and let me tell you, this was a huge challenge for me!  What I love about each project is the new skills that are learned while figuring things out!  I had to do some tests, making 1 right or left and which should be on which side... then how to make the decreases match... on and on... fun knitting stuff!

Although I've gotten sidetracked by knitting a new hat and making birthday stuff for my girly girl, I'm hoping to spend some good hours finishing this sweater.  With only 7(!) weeks left of pregnancy, I'd better get a move on!

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